High-performance teamwork is vital to the success of every organisation. 2017 saw a record number of teams utilised the Team DyNAmics© Model, helping them to measure HOW effective their teamwork was. Using this information they were able to agree and implement changes to overcome their challenges, whilst continuing to play to their strengths.
Teams included leadership, operational and project teams and the big data about their teamwork has revealed some interesting information.
Once again, the Framework Mapping Elements continue to cause teamwork issues. Lack of clearly documented process, no accurate information to enable teams to review their performance and having too much bureaucracy, red tape and IT security, hindered teams in doing their jobs effectively and efficiently.
Task versus Relationship
With 6 of the 8 Elements that make up the Relationship Categories of Creative Interactions and Emotional Relationships, being in the top half, there was a 4 percentile difference between Relationship and Task. In high-performing teams, there is always a good balance between Task and Relationship.
Dedication to the success of the team and pride in being part of it has meant that Commitment is the top of the 16 Elements. It is followed closely by Collaboration, with team members readily sharing their knowledge and experience to help their colleagues.
Team Meetings is the 16 and last of the Elements.
The feedback was that meetings are ineffective, in terms of producing outcomes and actions. In addition, information in support of meetings is not forthcoming, or arrives too late. Finally, an awful lot of time is wasted, waiting for colleagues to arrive for a meeting, or the meeting over-runs, due to lack of discipline by the chair.
Overall, Team Engagement averaged 74%, which whilst satisfactory, leaves room for manoeuvre and improvement in teamwork.
If you wish to find out more about the Team DyNAmics Model© and how it can help you and your team achieve even greater success, please use the Contact Form to get in touch.
More information about the Team DyNAmics Model© can be read here