“The book about teamwork that EVERYONE needs in their life.”
Kerry Lockyer – Oomph Learning & Development Ltd

Why are some teams high-performing and constantly achieve success, whilst other teams are challenged, or at best average?
Team Lead Succeed is for anyone who leads a team, or who is part of a team and wants to make a positive difference to the effectiveness of their teamwork.
From the Creator of the Team DyNAmics Model Of Team Effectiveness And Efficiency
“The book about teamwork that EVERYONE needs in their life.”
Why team leaders and team members should read this book.
Easy to read, well structured and a great handbook to refer to.
Packed full of useful, practical and insightful content, with personal humour and stories.
Include ideas, exercises and activities you can use with your team.
Explains the different personality traits and their strengths to a team.
Provides an explanation of the Team DyNAmics Model.
Has reflection pages, to note down ideas to share with your team.
Provides tools, ideas and processes to help achieve high-performance teamwork.
Explores 16 areas of teamwork.
Includes 11 different insights into what makes an exemplary leader.
This is a great book on so many levels!
It’s perfect for anyone who’s part of a team – either inside or outside of work. It’s an absolute MUST HAVE for any leaders – especially those who are new to the role or looking to develop their leadership skills. It’s really easy to read and understand – no complex, deeply academic theories. It’s full of stories, practical advice and easy to relate to content.
If you already understand the principles of “behavioural colours”, it provides a brilliant refresh and the opportunity to build a deeper understanding. If you have no previous knowledge of “behavioural colours” it provides a great, easy to grasp understanding. It’s really easy to dip in and out of and really easy to navigate due to its simple colour coding
All in all, I totally recommend this and have found it to be the best book available on teamwork!
What’s the connection between the Land Speed Record and Team Lead Succeed?
The answer is Richard Noble OBE. Richard was holder of the land speed record between 1983 and 1997. He was also the project director of ThrustSSC, the vehicle which holds the current land speed record, set at Black Rock Desert, Nevada in 1997. Thrust2, the record-breaking car driven by him, travelled at 633.468 mph (1019 km/h) in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, US. ThrustSSC, the supersonic car driven by Andy Green, broke the record at 763.035 mph (1221 km/h) or Mach 1.02, a project directed by Richard Noble.
A copy of Team Lead Succeed was sent to the editorial team of the Association for Project Management, Project Magazine, which is sent out to members on a quarterly basis, and can also be viewed online.
Richard Noble was chosen to write a review about it. The image below shows a brief extract of what he wrote.
If you wish to order a signed copy of Team Lead Succeed, if you are based in the U.K. please fill out the form with your details and in the Message box, type Signed Copy, then complete the sum and hit Submit.
Order a Signed Copy Team Lead Succeed
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Also available in many other bookstores worldwide by searching either
Team Lead Succeed or Nick Fewings.
On Amazon, each book receives a bestseller ranking, together with a ranking for the 3 Categories it is in.
To the left is an example of the rankings Team Lead Succeed has achieved since publication in March 2022.
- 8,844 in Books. (There are over 22.9 Million paperbacks on Amazon!!)
- 6th in Change Management
- 9th in Professional Development
- 18th in Organisational Theory & Behaviour Management
Every book published in the U.K. is legally required to have a copy deposited with the British Library.
On occasions, authors are also requested for further legal deposits, where the book is deemed of national interest. As such, a copy of Team Lead Succeed is held in the following libraries.
National Library of Scotland
National Library of Wales
The Bodleian Library Oxford University
Cambridge University Library
The Library of Trinity College Dublin
Team Lead Succeed Overview
“Everyone in a team has a voice, which needs to be heard, especially when things aren’t working as well as they should be. After all, nothing will change if you do not take action and speak up.”
Team Lead Succeed is for anyone who works in a team and wants to make a positive difference to the effectiveness of their teamwork.
It provides tools, learning and practical suggestions, to help you and your team achieve even greater success by understanding both WHO is in your team and HOW effective your teamwork is.
It will get you to appreciate those areas of your teamwork that are working well, whilst also highlighting areas that could be working better and need to be shared with your team, discussed and if agreed, changed.
Author Biography
Nick Fewings, Teamworkologist, initially had a 20-year career with Barclays, working his way up from a clerk in branch banking, to a Change Leader, leading the people workstreams of global projects.
For the past 20 years, Nick has specialised in facilitating team development around the globe and in doing so, helping teams to achieve high-performance.
He has profiled thousands of individuals and worked with hundreds of teams.
Nick is the creator of the Team DyNAmics Model, that measures overall team effectiveness and effectiveness across 16 Elements, recognised as being the foundation upon which high-performance teamwork is achieved.
When not facilitating team development, Nick is a highly regarded, award winning conference speaker and to date, has spoken at over 500 conferences worldwide, about how to achieve high-performance teamwork.
Copies of Team Lead Succeed can be purchased in bulk, with discounts, based on volume.
For a bespoke quotation, please email nick@ngagementworks.com
Readers of Team Lead Succeed get creative on Instagram
Team Lead Succeed is on Instagram and proving a hit with readers, who are rising to the challenge of taking photos of where it has been read.
Already it has been read in a swimming pool in Dubai, on the beach in Mexico, on a cruise liner in Alaska, at 36,000 feet in a plane, and has been read in 5 continents. If you use Instagram, here’s the link to see more of what’s happening, Team Lead Succeed on Instagram, and if you like what you see, please do Follow.
If you have already got a copy and wish to join in the fun, don’t forget to take a photo and send it attached to an email to nick@ngagementworks.com
And don’t forget to use the hashtag #teamleadsucceed
The idea to write Team Lead Succeed, was on 23rd March 2020, the first day of lockdown in the UK. It was published on World Book Day, Thursday 3rd March 2022.
56,000 approximate wordcount.
30,000 online bookstores worldwide that it is listed on.
1,680 hours of effort from start to finish, that’s equivalent to 70 full days!
264 pages.
96 times that the word teamwork is used.
50 entries worldwide, in the competition to design the front cover.
28 images used.
22 different people that reviewed the book pre-launch.
21 chapters, of which, 16 focus on different aspects of teamwork, measured by the Team DyNAmics Model that I created, and is used by teams worldwide to measure their effectiveness.
17 verses of a poem, all about teamwork, that I wrote and is included.
11 leaders that have provided their take on leading teams, in the chapter that explores leadership.
10 ISBN numbers allocated.
6 copies lodged with the British Library, National Libraries of Scotland and Wales, Trinity College Dublin, Bodleian Library, Oxford University and Cambridge University.
5 continents it has been read on.
1 unique, Amazon best seller, Team Lead Succeed!
An Interview With Nick
Why did you write Team Lead Succeed?
I decided to write Team Lead Succeed because I have always had a passion for helping others, and over the years, when working with teams or speaking at conferences, I have been asked many times if I have written a book, and the answer has always been no, until now.
I felt that after 30 years focused on understanding teamwork, it provided me with enough experience, knowledge and credibility, to speak with authority about this topic. Secondly, I wanted to help many more people who work in teams, than I would be able to work with directly, or could engage with at the conferences I am invited to speak at.
How did people react, when you told them you were writing a book about teamwork?
Very positively. I shared my idea with various leaders and team members, whom I knew would give me honest feedback. Based on what they said, I knew it would be worthwhile.
Who should read Team Lead Succeed?
Quite simply, anyone who is part of a team or leads a team. It works for any type of team, be it an operational team, a project team or a leadership team.
Why should people who are part of a team or lead a team read your book?
Let’s be honest, we spend a large proportion of our lives in work and a large proportion of that time, as part of a team. If things aren’t great in how our team works, it can feel bloody awful.
Research suggests that only 10% of teams are high-performing, and frighteningly 40% are dysfunctional or challenged. In addition, based on my research, 8 out of 10 teams don’t measure their effectiveness, so don’t know how good or bad their teamwork is, nor indeed what potential they could achieve, which is very alarming.
Team Lead Succeed provides invaluable learning about how to achieve high-performance teamwork, that can be practically applied in any team. It has been written, to help raise understanding of what is working well in a team and enable conversations to be had and ideas generated, that when implemented enhance those areas of teamwork that could be better.
In addition, in a poll I undertook, 70% of leaders did not have any training in how to lead teams before they took up their role and subsequently, 60% of those had no training on leading teams thereafter, so the book will also help those leaders who want to enhance their skills.
How have you structured the book?
The 21 chapters, have been structured, based on feedback from team members and leaders, from different industry sectors, as ultimately, it has to work for them, so they get value from it.
They told me that stories, anecdotes and examples are useful. That it needs to be light on theory, with more focus on practical application of the learning, and should also include humour. This helped me to write and structure it accordingly.
What makes it unique?
It is unique in a variety of ways.
1. There are 16 chapters dedicated to the areas of teamwork that are measured in the Team DyNAmics Model, that I created and is used worldwide by teams to measure their effectiveness.
2. The anecdotes and stories are based on real-life examples of when I have worked with teams (changed to respect anonymity), or experiences that I have personally had in life.
3. 11 exemplary leaders, that I have been fortunate to have worked with, have kindly shared their perspective of leadership, in the chapter dedicated to it.
4. To my knowledge, there isn’t a book that covers both the importance of knowing WHO is in your team with knowing HOW effective your teamwork is.
What does success look like for you?
If it enables just one individual, in one team to have a conversation, that results in their team making one positive change to how their team works, I will deem it a success.
How much will Team Lead Succeed cost?
It has been priced at £16.99 with online retailers worldwide and £8.99 for an e-version. For those who live in the UK and who wish to purchase a signed copy direct from me, it will be £16.99 plus p&p. Email nick@ngagementworks.com for further details.
End of interview
Book Chapter Reviews
I believe this would definitely give value to a team or a leader reading it.
After reading this one chapter I can’t wait to read the rest of the book.
Chapter 2: Technical Skills: Raising awareness of this important aspect of teamwork, which is often overlooked, really got me thinking about those who I work with, and not knowing what skills they have.
Chapter 2: Behavioural Skills: Reading this one chapter made the penny drop as to why there has often been conflict in the teams that I have worked in! The paradigm shifts from difficult to different and frustration to fascination really resonated. I cannot wait to read more.
Chapter 4: The Team DyNAmics Model: Overall I thought it was really good and gave a good overall outline of how and why the model was created….which I must admit I found really interesting!
Chapter 5: Purpose: It’s really easy to read, whatever role you have in a team and I love the fact there’s some really practical take aways from it.
Chapter 6: Trust: I really love the real life example that brings it to life.
Chapter 7: Planning: I really like the BEPART model – great little way of bringing planning to life in a practical way.
Chapter 8: Collaboration: I really enjoyed reading this chapter. The storytelling and case study are great, and the layout makes it easy to read.
Chapter 9: Accountability: Good read – from a manager’s point of view some good examples of explaining why accountability is important and that it doesn’t always sit on one set of shoulders.
Chapter 10: Commitment: Reading this chapter is valuable whatever experience the reader has, offering new ideas and also valuable reminders. The content would definitely help me speak up in a positive way.
Chapter 11: Roles & Skills: I think you’ve got it absolutely right, we definitely need the right people with the right skills in the right roles! I really like the way you’ve framed it and the great example you’ve given.
Chapter 12: Communication: I totally identified my communication style just from the examples. Being able to identify myself so easily in just this chapter made it more personal and drew me in more.
Chapter 13: Decision Making: I really enjoyed this as it was not too long or complicated, engaging stories, friendly whilst professional.
Chapter 14: Team Meetings: Love the concepts and the tips that are in here. I think there are some great takeaways I could use.
Chapter 15: Processes: I am so excited to read the rest of the book when it comes out! I love the very natural, conversational style of writing and the content was easy to understand, digest and kept me interested.
Chapter 16: Environment: I really love it, especially the red flag section and the hands on examples, that’s what people need!
Chapter 17: Vision: I love it. Informative and there are several activities and actions teams can use that “fit” them.
Chapter 18: Diversity: Having read this one chapter, I cannot wait to read the rest of your book! To share the experience of a real life event makes it all seem more real. It’s not the first thing people think about when being asked about diversity.
Chapter 19: Reflection: I think the points you make about Reflection are so important and exactly as you say, not always done, particularly when teams are in “work, work, work” mode.
Chapter 20: Transformation: So relevant in today’s business world. We cannot be complacent and need to transform to keep us ahead of the game.
Chapter 21: Exploring Leadership: This chapter gave me lots of food for thought in terms of my leadership skills, how I use my time and inspire and motivate others. The quotations by leaders you have worked with were brilliant.