Those of you who know me will know that I am a big believer in “Paying it Forward” and hence my initiative on this website, via my Articles Page, to share articles that help both individual and team development, and additionally, provide you with some great FREE team-building activities.
At the end of the day, whilst we need money to enable us to live, I believe that it shouldn’t be the be all and end all when making a decision to help others. Often, helping others can have a greater positive impact on you than any financial recompense.
WOW, it is Nick Fewings of Ngagementworks and Derek Williams of The WOW! Awards
An example of this was last week, when I became an ambassador for the WOW! Awards, freely sharing the word at every opportunity of the amazing work they do.
Why you may ask? Well, simply, because I have experienced at first-hand, the positive impact the WOW! Awards has on people, both staff and customers and therefore, why wouldn’t I want to share something that makes such a positive difference, where ordinary people do extraordinary things to help and support others.
The cost to me, is my time but the rewards in sharing what others do far outweighs this. If you want to find out more about what they do, here is the link to the WOW! Awards.
Recently, I have come across another great example of paying it forward and wanted to share it with you.
With the need these days to have a website presence for business, plus the ability to share what you are doing via news feeds or blogs, there is also a need to find good quality images to bring your story or news to life. As humans, we are extremely visual, and as the saying goes, a picture paints a thousand words. However, getting the right image can be difficult, especially if you aren’t a photographer, and even if you are, sometimes the photos you take, aren’t what you need. So, often, you end up searching the web, only to find the image you want but then finding out you need to pay for it.
Caribbean Blue freely shared by Nick Fewings via Unsplash
Well, I had the need to build a new website (which you are currently reading this article on). Those of you who know me, will know that I am a keen amateur photographer however, I still struggled for the right images to bring my website to life, until, that is, I came across Unsplash.
As it says on the main page of their website, “Beautiful, free photos. Gifted by the world’s most generous community of photographers.”
Their website is simple to navigate, easy to search for images and to download the ones you want. All that they ask, and it is not set in stone, is that you credit the photographers for any of the images that you have used, which is what I have done on my website.
Me being me, I couldn’t help myself in joining for free and uploading some of my photographs to help others. As Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, you may want to check out my Love Collection.
So there it is, Unsplash, an amazing free resource to help you find the high-quality free images that you need. Check it out here.
Yours behaviourally, Nick
Wishing you continued happiness and success in both work and life