When was the last time, you and your team stopped what you do on a day to day basis, and spent some quality time, reflecting on what’s going well and what needs to be changed in how your team works?  If you are like the majority of people, the answer will be never or...
Do You Know How Effective Your Teamwork Is?

Do You Know How Effective Your Teamwork Is?

8 Out Of 10 Teams Don’t Measure The Effectiveness Of Their Teamwork! If you’re like the majority of people who work in a team, you probably won’t be able to answer that question definitively, with measured data and information. You may have a gut feel as to...
How To Make Meetings Work For EVERYONE

How To Make Meetings Work For EVERYONE

Love them or hate them, meetings are a fact of business life. Have you ever come away from a meeting thinking or saying to a colleague, “What a waste of time that was.”  I’m sure that like me, you have. Whether you chair a meeting or are a participant, you want to...