Each time Nick has inspired everyone, benefitting individuals, teams and the organisation.

I would recommend Nick to help develop a better understanding of what 'team' means and how to make it work.

Nick's facilitation style is very accessible to all different types of people.

In just two sessions, Nick helped us move from distrust and dysfuntion to mutual understanding and a genuine desire to improve.

It is always a pleasure to work with Nick and the sessions he facilitates always have a lasting impact.

The team are always buzzing after one of Nick's team building sessions.

Nick's passion for team building is infectious.

Nick's style of facilitation and engagement is very powerful and makes for a fun but deeply effective learning experience.

Ngagementworks was created by me, based on over 20 years experience of leading and working with teams throughout the world. I am passionate about helping both individuals and teams achieve the success they deserve and do this, by facilitating engaging workshops and delivering motivational presentations at conferences.

Over this period of time, I has developed good relationships with a network of experts in their field and will always point a client in their direction if I am unable to support your learning objectives with my skills.

Factoids About Fewings

  1. The  training programmes I have facilitated, have a cumulative feedback score of 96% being Brilliant or Amazing.
  2. Formerly a Change Director with Barclays, I am also an accredited project manager and behavioural psychologist.
  3. My past and present clients include many household brands and I regularly work with leadership, operational and project teams.
  4. The majority of my team building facilitation is in the UK, however, I also have experience of working in Europe, the Far East, Middle East and the USA.
  5. I have supported many organisations in achieving IIP Gold Status and my learning programmes have been instrumental in achieving significant increases in employee engagement, by helping improve team engagement.
  6. My personal and team-building articles, have been read in over 150 of the 196 countries in the world.
  7. I am the first person, to be born in Plymouth, to complete the Edgewalk around the outside of the CN Tower in Toronto!!
Nick Fewings Author speaker team synergy

And if you want to know about one of my passions outside of work, that may help you, please click here.