In this day and age, everyone has limited time it seems. So, if you met someone new and you had a minute to introduce yourself and say a little about you and your business personality, what would you tell them? Below is an idea that you might like to try.
2. Choose only ONE word from each card and write it down.
3. Now decide which word describes you most, strongest first down to least.
4. Now create a sentence that uses that word and captures your personality.
Good luck. I’ve added mine below the image as an example.
I am ENTHUSIASTIC about the potential that lies within individuals and teams to achieve success.
I am ENCOURAGING, helping people and teams play to their strengths and overcome their challenges.
I’m DETERMINED that my client’s needs are, at a minimum met, however strive to exceed them.
I’m CAUTIOUS, as I don’t like taking risks and prepare thoroughly to facilitate workshops or speak at conferences.
I look forward to hearing yours and remember, only ONE word from each card and IN ORDER of strongest preference word first to least.
Wishing you continued happiness and success in both work and life.
Yours behaviourally, Nick
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