Reflections Of A Positively DyNAmic 2017

by | Dec 30, 2017 | Creating High-Performing Teams, Pay It Forward | 0 comments

In the words of John Lennon, “Another year over and a new one just begun“, I thought it appropriate to reflect on 2017, which has been an exceptional year of helping individuals and teams to achieve even greater success.

My focus throughout 2017 has continued to be fourfold;

Facilitating cutting-edge team building workshops

Leadership, operational and project teams from public, private and 3rd sector have experienced the Ngagementworks workshops and an amazing 98% of delegates, have rated them Brilliant or AmazingIf you want to find out more about how your team could benefit, click here.

Sharing my knowledge and experience by speaking at conferences

Last year, I edged closer to speaking at 500 conferences.  I spoke in front of PA’s, VA’s, Leaders, Project Directors, Conference Organisers, Insurers, to name a few.  I presented at internal staff conferences, undertook some after dinner speaking, and in doing so, travelled the length and breadth of the UK and further afield.    I also wrote an article, based on my experience to help you book a speaker that will WOW your delegates.  If you have a need to book a speaker in 2018, you may find the article I wrote of value.

Providing learning and tools, to enable teams to understand, the WHY, WHO and HOW of teamwork 

There are three things you need to understand if you are to achieve high-performance teamwork, WHY your team exists, WHO is in your team and HOW your team is performing.  Teams who worked with me via Ngagementworks experienced all three.  Firstly clarifying the WHY as in their Team Purpose, secondly understanding WHO is in their team via behavioural colour profiling and mapping their teams and finally being able to understand HOW their team was working using the highly-regarded and effective Team DyNAmics Model that I created.  Read more here.

Sharing hints, tips and articles online that support individual and team development

I am a firm believer of helping others by “Paying It Forward” and 2017, saw me launch this initiative, whereby guest bloggers, often experts in their field, provided hints and tips to positively enhance teamwork.  These have been extremely well received and their are more in the pipeline for 2018.  If you’ve missed them, use click this Pay It Forward link to read them.

Finally, there have been some additional highlights including a TV Interview about Cracking The Code Of High-Performance Teamwork, being one of the judges of the annual WOW! Awards that celebrate excellence in customer service and speaking at an international conference in Beijing, in front of 140 delegates from 28 different countries.

So what about 2018

Well, it is already shaping up to be a positive year, with more teams using the Team DyNAmics Model and some great information coming out from the big data collected that will help other teams.

The recently launched Ngagementworks website will continue to be developed and enhanced, based on the positive feedback and comments received from many, such as including Articles on it.

And, I may achieve my 500th conference, in Singapore of all places in March.

So, finally, as 2017 draws to a close, I hope our paths will cross again or indeed for the first time in 2018 and I wish you continued happiness and success, both personally and in work.

Yours behaviourally, Nick

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Can I Help You?

If you want to discuss how I may be able to help you and your team achieve even greater success by facilitating team building or by speaking at your conference, my email is, my mobile is 00447966306903 or please use the Contact Form

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