Team DyNAmics© – The key to increased individual and team effectiveness and engagement

by | Mar 31, 2016 | Creating High-Performing Teams | 0 comments

Often you know there’s something wrong with your team’s performance, however can’t put your finger on exactly what it is.
Team DyNAmics© is an effective tool that gets right to the heart of team engagement and performance.
Whilst Employee Engagement surveys can be useful at an organisational level, often, the questions asked, do not get to the heart of individual and team engagement.
Team DyNAmics© has been developed, based on 20+ years’ experience of working with leadership, project and operational teams and asks the questions that make a real difference to engagement.
Team members complete an online 48-statement questionnaire from which results are amalgamated into a Team DyNAmics© report. Within 48 key statements, Team DyNAmics© gets to the heart of team performance in order that issues can be identified and addressed.
Focussed workshops are run to help the team identify, discuss and agree practical ideas to increase team effectiveness.
Here is a short video that explains more.

If you wish to find out more about how Team DyNAmics©  can help you and your team, please contact via
Yours behaviourally, Nick

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