As you may know, I’m passionate about helping both individuals and teams develop and achieve even greater success. One way that I do this is here, via Yours Behaviourally, sharing hints and tips and featuring articles written by others.
Recently, I wrote and published a 2-minute article called “7 Tips To Help You Speak Up About Bad Behaviour”, prompted by a Workplace Bullying survey completed by the Executive and Personal Assistants Association, headed up by Victoria Darragh.
The results of the survey shocked me in terms of how much bad behaviour/bullying still goes on in the workplace, how little some organisations do to tackle it and the negative impact that it has on individuals which also impacts their families. Having read it, I felt compelled to write an article that may help those experiencing bad behaviour or bullying in the workplace.
One person, who will remain anonymous, to respect their privacy, took the time to contact me personally. Here is an extract of their reply to me.
I wanted to reach out to thank you for the article you wrote. The article was so helpful to me. I have been struggling with a difficult boss for the last couple of years. I tried many times to give them feedback but they would always find an excuse and make it my fault.
Your article appeared on my newsfeed before a 1:1 meeting with them. I took the approach of explaining to them how they made me feel and how they came across. It didn’t matter whether they saw an issue in their behaviour or not it was how they made me feel that was the issue.
They listened and whether they adjust their behaviour in the future, we will see HOWEVER, I feel empowered and I’m glad I did it. So, I wanted you to know you helped me and thank you. As my mother always says we are all too quick to complain and rarely say thank you. This is why she goes into the kitchen of a restaurant after a good meal and thanks the staff!!
I am absolutely thrilled that the article I wrote and “Paid Forward” has had such a positive impact on the life of another person and I’m hoping that their boss changes their behaviour and starts to mend broken bridges.
Wishing you continued happiness and success in both work and life.
Yours behaviourally, Nick
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