Don’t Blame The Accidental Manager

Don’t Blame The Accidental Manager

“82% of managers who enter management positions have not had any proper management or leadership training – they are “accidental managers”. This shocking statistic is from a survey completed by The Chartered Management Institute and YouGov in October 2023. Let...


When was the last time, you and your team stopped what you do on a day to day basis, and spent some quality time, reflecting on what’s going well and what needs to be changed in how your team works?  If you are like the majority of people, the answer will be never or...
Team-building: Tips To Help You Invest Wisely

Team-building: Tips To Help You Invest Wisely

We all want to work in a team that is successful, don’t we?  Hopefully your answer is yes.  Working as part of a great team gives us a positive buzz, a sense of belonging and motivates us to do our jobs to the best of our ability. In doing so, it supports our...