Don’t Blame The Accidental Manager

Don’t Blame The Accidental Manager

“82% of managers who enter management positions have not had any proper management or leadership training – they are “accidental managers”. This shocking statistic is from a survey completed by The Chartered Management Institute and YouGov in October 2023. Let...
Do Your Colleagues Appreciate You?

Do Your Colleagues Appreciate You?

We all have a need to feel wanted and appreciated.  Think back to when you were younger or at school and how good you felt when you were praised or appreciated for doing something by your parents or teacher.  Equally, think about how you felt when you thought you...
Commitment To Team Success Remains High

Commitment To Team Success Remains High

Key Trends From The Team DyNAmics© Model Big Data 2018 Team members are committed to their team and achieving success however don’t believe that their training needs are met and that their individual performance is reviewed often enough. These were trends coming out...