What Are You Like?

We all tend to be curious about what makes us the person we are, or to coin a phrase, what makes us tick. Why we think the way we do, why we make decisions and communicate in a particular way, why we use particular behaviours and find some things easier than others. ...

Do You Have Time To Think?

Over the weekend, I shared some images from my passion for candid street photography called Deep Thinkers and indeed that got me thinking!! From the second we wake up, our senses are bombarded with information.  Television, radio, smartphones and tablets are all part...

Deep Thinkers

This is following on from the positive feedback from my submission to the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge entitled ‘Depth’.  I submitted a photograph I took of Rhys Ifans, the film actor, sat outside a bar in Montreal, whilst on location. My take on...

Depth Of Thinking

As it is the weekend, I thought I would indulge in my passion for candid street photography and enter the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge which this week was about Depth, either visually or emotionally.  I have chosen emotionally and below is a photograph of the...

Overcoming Experiential Fear

We all have fears and phobias based on either what we have heard or have been told by other people or based on things we have experienced.  If we don’t address them, they can limit the things that we do.  I thought I would share two personal experiences of fear...