Ngagementworks In The News

Kindly allowed to be re-produced from an internal staff magazine of one of the clients of Ngagementworks. Ngagementworks, the new buzzword If you haven’t heard about Ngagementworks, it won’t be long before you do and, like a lot of your colleagues, start to have...

What Are You Like?

We all tend to be curious about what makes us the person we are, or to coin a phrase, what makes us tick. Why we think the way we do, why we make decisions and communicate in a particular way, why we use particular behaviours and find some things easier than others. ...
Re Your Email To Me

Re Your Email To Me

No doubt you have received an email from someone, read it and have been irritated by the tone and style in which it has been written. Yes, it happens to us all. I can guarantee that your emails will have done the same to the people you have sent them to on occasions....

Overcoming Experiential Fear

We all have fears and phobias based on either what we have heard or have been told by other people or based on things we have experienced.  If we don’t address them, they can limit the things that we do.  I thought I would share two personal experiences of fear...

Be Inspired & Motivated

Sometimes, we need some inspiration or motivation in our lives.  Whether it is to spark some creativity, get us thinking in a different way or opening conversations with family, friends or work colleagues. They say a picture paints a thousand words so I have developed...